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Welcome Back

Welcome back to school from all the staff at Seaburn Dene. It has been wonderful to see the children coming through the doors brightly each morning as the new school year begins. So many happy faces, reconnecting with friends and back into routines.

My assembly today was based around "doing the little things" based around the life of St David of Wales. It will be a consistent message to our children, that to be the best version of themselves and to be the best school community we can be, we need to consistently do the little things. I am sure that with your encouragement, this can start at home too.

Thank you, as ever, for your efforts in ensuring that they are smart and in full school uniform and black shoes.
We aim to keep the uniform cost as low and as simple as possible. Please note, school ties are part of our uniform - they can be bought from the school office. Trainers are for PE and examples of school uniform are modelled here by some of our children from Yr 3 and 6.

With temperatures set to hit 25 degrees tomorrow, could you please make sure your child is wearing sunscreen, a hat and has a water bottle.

Finally - and not for the last time - all uniform needs to have a child's name or initials on. We know from long experience, those that doesn't rarely finds its way back to its owner, once put down.