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Drama Club Opportunity

Interested in drama or the theatre?

Exciting Opportunity: After-School Drama Club with Atlas Theatre Company

We’re thrilled to share an exciting opportunity for children in Years 2-6 to join an after-school drama club run by Atlas Theatre Company. Sessions will take place once a week on a TUESDAY, for an hour during term time and can accommodate up to 25 children.

Highlights include:

From January, children will begin preparing for a summer performance, a 40-minute production with roles for every participant.

Special visits from performers to inspire the children (past visitors include a cast member from the Wicked movie!).
Logistics and Costs:

Sessions will be in the school hall or large classroom, with some rehearsals and performances in the hall.

All props and costumes for performances will be provided. Occasionally, families may be asked to contribute items like a white top, but all needs will be met if this isn’t possible.

The cost is £3.50 per week per child, payable termly (approximately £45.50 per term). If your child is in receipt of Free School Meals - this will be discounted. A minimum of 10 children is required to run the club.

If your child is interested in this exciting opportunity, please comment below. A letter will follow today.