In our school we have a vibrant, active and engaging Reception class which is part of our Foundation Stage, where Nursery and Reception children work , play and share their ideas and mistakes, to make better learners, both indoors and out.
We particiapte in group led learning and independent learning across the day, where the children are encouraged to explore their skills and knowledge whilst accessing our inspiring classroom environment. As well as, completing set challenges to motivate and explore their learning further daily.
This stage of learning is about exploring and developing each unique child's skills and abilities to help them make good progress and develop positive attitudes to learning - to help provide them with the...
Our current topic is: The World Around Me and Beyond
We will also be learning about 'Everyday local Heroes'.
Focus story texts: Chocolate Cake by Michael Rosen; Mr Wolf's Pancakes by Jan Fearnley; Aliens Love Underpants by Claire Freedman
Our Big Question: Where do you live? What is in Sunderland and beyond?
Read a story everyday (5 minutes everyday) and learn favourite stories by heart.
*Share your learning moments via our Dojo system.
Story time with Rocket - You Tube Channel Storytime with Rocket - A lovely story listening site which we use at school often.