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Week ending 15.03.24

Travel Tracker class of the month for February were Y4, with an average of 96% of 400 total trips recorded - 95% of which were active.
Runners-up, Y2.
Here is Travel Tracker Ambassador Isla with February's badge and her schoolmates from Y3 with the trophy as the weekly winners. We handed our 129 badges across school for February.
Our school are 136th nationally with 62% active journeys and 67% of all journeys in school recorded.This week:
1st - Yr 4 - 98% engaged.
2nd -Yr 1 - 97% engaged.
3rd -Yr 5 - 79% engaged.
4th -Yr 2 - 56% engaged.

School values: Aspirational certificate winners and Class Dojo winners from last week.
Rae - all-round aspirational attitude in class.
Esme - joining in and trying her best.
Charlotte - working to be the best.
Alice - working hard at home and school.
Heidi - producing high quality work in all subjects.
Lucy - always trying to be that little bit better.
Caleb - fantastic effort in maths.
Well done everyone

Have Your Say

If you're interested in attending our half termly Parent Panel. Get in touch.

The panel meet throughout the year to discuss a wide range of items about school life that affect the parent community as a whole.
The aims of the panel are:
To update parents about school changes and projects
To provide a consultation group for the school to present new ideas and changes.
To create a link between Seaburn Dene parents’ views discussed in the playground / outside school and school leaders.
To provide a regular opportunity for parents to meet with senior leaders and share any strengths, comments, queries or concerns.
Ideally, I would try to encourage a representative from each year group. Please feel free to join us at 9am tomorrow (entrance via the main reception area.) You can either comment or send an email to to register your interest.

The Friends Group would like to ask for donations of cakes, especially home baked, for the Easter Fayre on Wednesday 27th March.
If you’d like to get your bake on, please comment on this post, or contact Mrs Baker in the office to let us know to expect your donation. Don’t forget to send a list of ingredients for allergy purposes 🧁 Wow! 🤩 Thank you to every single family that donated easter eggs to the Friends Group via our Chocolate Tombola last week.
We counted 218 donations!

International Scroll of Honour-Y5
Lilimae was selected to represent South Tyneside Gymnastics Club at the end of January at the 2024 Scottish Acrobatic Invitational. Her and her two partners got 6th place out of 16 partnerships after just a couple of months of starting to work together. That’s a fantastic achievement.
Meanwhile, Leo and his team played in in a tournament hosted by Leeds United. Some brilliant football was played which resulted in them coming second place and qualifying for the Pulcino D’oro International tournament this summer which will be held in Italy. Well done, Leo.

Wraparound Care

The government is working to deliver its ambition for all parents of primary school children aged 4 to 11 to access ‘wraparound’ childcare in or around their child’s school between 8am and 6pm.
Wraparound childcare as the name suggests, refers to childcare that ‘wraps’ around the conventional school day and is often referred to as breakfast clubs, after-school clubs and can be provided by schools, private providers, settings and childminders.
Together for Children have been allocated funding from the DfE to support the expansion of wraparound childcare to meet parental demand.
They want parents to express their views via an online survey: