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Week ending 19.01.24


Together with the Rotary Club of Seaburn we are launching Rotakids.
RotaKids is a fun and exciting way for children in Yrs 3-6 to make friends and get involved with important activities in the community, all while having a great time in the process.
Examples of RotaKids activities include:
Filling shoeboxes with toys for underprivileged children around the world as part of the Rotary Shoebox Scheme
Raising money for charities in your area with a sponsored bike ride, non-uniform day, cake sale or school fun days
Supporting the environment by setting a nature project in the school playground or local community
Collecting books for children in countries around the world.
We are looking for 12 potential Rotakids in our school to join this new club: starting on Wednesday, 24th January 2024 in school.
I will be taking names of those interested on Monday from class teachers and if we are oversubscribed, I will be drawing them out of the hat.


A huge well done to Yr 4 and Reception - who had the highest attendance this week and have earned extra play time. Our overall attendance - as a school - was 95% this week, against a city-wide average of 93.6%.
1. Yr 4/R - 99.5%
2. Yr 5 - 95.8%
3. Yr 1 - 95.7%
4. Yr 3 - 94.4%
5. Yr 6 - 93%
7. Yr 2 - 91.1%