Here in year 2 there is never a moment to spare.
We are busy and challenged from the moment we come into class. Learning is as interactive and as much fun as possible. We learn to become writers, mathematicians, historians, artists to name but a few. We love to have brain breaks and keep very active throughout the day.
In Year 2 we vote for two children to be on the School Council. Here are our class representatives for this year. They have already helped to decide on changes to Christmas Dinner and the school rules.
Year 2 PE days are currently Wednesday and Friday. On these days children need to come to school in their PE kits and enjoy sessions with out coach.
Reading books are changed each Thursday when we have our Reading Role Model in school. If the children forget their books or need to change them on other days though they can just ask and this can be arranged. Children are encouraged to bring their reading books into school every day so that we can listen to them read as often as possible.
Our library day is Tuesday so please ensure library books are brought in on a Tuesday. If children forget their books, they are welcome to bring them in on another day and I will try to arrange an opportunity for books to be changed. Library books are all about gaining a love of reading and these may not be at the correct level for children to read independently but are a great chance for you to share books.
Each week we send home a paper based SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) homework. This is sent home on a Friday to be returned the following Wednesday. We then aim to mark these together in class on a Friday.
Children are also expected to access 10 minutes of Numbots and 5 garage sessions on TT Rockstars to practise their basic number facts.
Children are also asked to access Reading Buddy online to read books at their own level and complete quizzes to show their understanding. When the children have completed a given number of books and answered their quiz questions correctly, the app will automatically move the children up to the next reading level. This will provide access to another set of reading books to enjoy.
Spelling frame is used to help children to learn the common exception words and spelling rules expected in year 2. Children can access games to practise their spellings are expected to complete one online test each week.
If you are wanting to support your child further with their number facts, you can access White Rose One Minute Maths App. This is a great resource for quick fire maths facts.
We have been enjoying looking at what makes our world wonderful. We have looked at landmarks in the United Kingdom and around the world. We added them on to our world map using the continents that they belong to. We are now looking more closely at the landmarks and amazing things that we have in our local area. Here we are trying to find our school on the Ordnance Survey maps.
In DT we have been making Ferris wheels. We have used various techniques to join our materials together. We have also used problem solving and evaluation to ensure that our Ferris wheels can move and that they fit our designs and the original brief. We are very proud of our results!
In Music we have been looking at West African Call and Response music. We have been thinking about safari animals and the types of sounds that they might make and how we can replicate these using instruments. We then used these ideas to compose pieces using call and response and repetition.
We expect all our children to read every evening and at weekends. In Year 2, 10 minutes should be a minimum but, if your child can't put their book down because they are so engrossed.... let them continue, that's the magic of reading.
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Have you seen the Kids’ Zone? Play games and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites.
Hit the button Great quick maths activities
Nina and the Neurons Use your engineering skills to play games and help the Neurons collect stars.